
캄보디아농촌공동체개발사업 (14.12~18.12)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 10:07 조회 328

국가명 Country

캄보디아 Cambodia

사업명 Title


Self-Supporting Rural Development Project with Saemaul Undong (SMU)"fs Participatory Approach in Cambodia

사업기간 Duration

2014.12 ~ 2018.12


Ordering Organization



Project Contents

This project was launched in December 2014 and will be operated until the end of 2018 with an objective to develop community-based and self-supporting rural development in the country. The Activities of ongoing project consist of three types; Policy consultation for the government, Capacity development of rural community, and Operation of pilot projects in model villages.

For policy consultation, the project has established a comprehensive road map (master plan) with the cooperation of Cambodian government and provided consultation services continuously at national and sub-national levels. For capacity development, the project is building a Saemaul Central Training Center and developing curriculum which will play crucial roles to strengthen the capacity of government officials as well as village leaders from 2017. For the operation of pilot projects, this project selected 30 model villages and established an operational guideline. Based on the guideline, the project cycle including the formulation of project, monitoring of activities and assessment of performances is repeated every year.