
르완다야루구루농촌종합 개발사업 (14.12~18.09)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 10:06 조회 294

국가명 Country

르완다 Rwanda

사업명 Title

르완다야루구루농촌종합 개발사업

Integrated Rural Development Project in Nyaruguru District in Rwanda

사업기간 Duration

2014.12 ~ 2018.09


Ordering Organization



Project Contents

The purpose of this project is the eradication of poverty and improvement of life standards in Nyaruguru region in Rwanda.

The project was designed to lead to income increase, improvement of living condition by growth of local economy led by integrated rural development project but also to establish the foundation of diplomatic cooperation between two countries and the reinforcement of villager’s capability by strengthening cooperative relations.