
엘살바도르 채소재배생산성향상사업 (09.10~10.12)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 09:40 조회 307

국가명 Country

엘살바도르 El Salvador

사업명 Title

엘살바도르 채소재배생산성향상사업

Vegetable Production Technology Development in El Salvador

사업기간 Duration

2009.10 ~ 2010.12


Ordering Organization



Project Contents

Korean greenhouse and on-site linkage greenhouse were built, and various equipment were provided. The training center was also remodeled. Moreover, invitational training sessions for El Salvadorian experts agriculture and crop cultivation were carried out in Korea and leadership training sessions for local farmers, focusing on four crops including tomato, paprika, cucumber and lettuce, were conducted in El Salvador.