
엘살바도르국립대학교 농과대학 교육역량강화 및 고급인재양성사업 (17.02~19.12)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 10:10 조회 912

국가명 Country

엘살바도르 El Salvador

사업명 Title

엘살바도르국립대학교 농과대학 교육역량강화 및 고급인재양성사업

Capacity Improvement and Advancement for Higher Education for the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences of UES in El Salvador

사업기간 Duration

2017.02 ~ 2019.12


Ordering Organization



Project Contents


Enhancement of capability of Faculty of Agriculture of UES, and the enhancement of economic and social contribution through cultivating high-quality human resources, and provision of high quality education for students with improvement of learning environment.


- New curriculum

- New teaching materials (aids)

- New education contents

- Research articles published by using new lab equipment

- Improvement of grades by using new teaching materials (aids)

- Improve student performance by improving teaching methods