
모잠비크 영농기술보급 및 농업생산성 증대사업 (14.12~17.12)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 10:05 조회 294

국가명 Country

모잠비크 Mozambique

사업명 Title

모잠비크 영농기술보급 및 농업생산성 증대사업

Dissemination of Agricultural Technology and Increasing Agricultural Productivity in Mozambique

사업기간 Duration

2014.12 ~ 2017.12


Ordering Organization

MAFRA/Korea Rural Community Corporation(KRC)


Project Contents

The project aims to contribute to increase the income level in Marracuene District, Maputo Province by enhancing the agricultural productivity and to build a community center for agricultural education and animal husbandry technology for public officials and local villagers.