
르완다 농업 및 동물자원 개발사업 (11.12~13.09)

강원대학교국제농촌개발협력사업단 2023.07.19 10:04 조회 217

국가명 Country

르완다 Rwanda

사업명 Title

르완다 농업 및 동물자원 개발사업

Agricultural and Animal Resources Development in Rwanda

사업기간 Duration

2011.12 ~ 2013.09


Ordering Organization

MIFAFF(Ministry of Food, Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries)


Project Contents

The project established 17 fish farms, one river barrage and waterway, one poultry farm, one mulberry farm, and one silkworm farm, and provided supplementary equipment.

In addition, an invitational training program was implemented in Korea targeting local farmers and experts from Ministry of Agriculture of Rwanda.